TRIZICS is a structured, problem-solving methodology for finding innovative solutions to technical problems. TRIZICS is derived from TRIZ, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving created in the former Soviet Union by Genrich Altshuller (1926-1998) and his colleagues, beginning in 1946. TRIZ is a set of tools for creative thinking and has a reputation of being difficult to use. This has led to several TRIZ derivatives which attempt to simplify TRIZ for the user. TRIZICS differs from TRIZ and its common derivatives by providing the problem-solver with additional (non-TRIZ) problem-solving tools and a framework that allows classical TRIZ tools to be applied systematically and sequentially to technical problems classified by four problem types. Instead of diminishing the tools of TRIZ, TRIZICS adds a framework and additional tools to TRIZ which simplifies its use.
Video Trizics
TRIZ is the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving created in the former Soviet Union by Genrich Altshuller and his colleagues, beginning in 1946. TRIZ began to emerge from the Soviet Union in the 1990s; it is a method for creative technical problem solving based on the study of patents. Genrich Altshuller and his colleagues, rather than interview inventors in hope of advancing psychological theories of invention, studied their output by analyzing patents. TRIZ is a set of tools that aid creativity based on logic and driven by data (the statistical analysis of patents).
Initially around 200,000 patents were analyzed (followers of TRIZ have subsequently reviewed over 3 million). The result of the analysis of patents and development of tools for creative thinking based upon the analysis of these patents has led Altshuller and the followers of TRIZ to develop a number of tools for thinking that allow the problem-solver to identify new innovative solutions based upon how others have solved similar types of problems in the past. Instead of waiting on creative inspiration or using trial and error, new inventive ideas could be derived.
The general criticism of TRIZ is that it typically takes many years to gain sufficient expertise to know which TRIZ tools to use and when to use them during the problem-solving process. This is because standard TRIZ has no roadmap, no workplan.
The method known as TRIZICS was created between 2007 and 2011. The purpose of developing TRIZICS was to simplify the use of TRIZ without losing any of its content.
TRIZICS works by directing the user to the appropriate specific TRIZ (and non-TRIZ) tools to apply for the type of technical problem to be solved (TRIZICS defines four types of technical problem) and at which stage of the problem-solving process to use each tool. TRIZICS enables TRIZ users to systematically apply TRIZ right away by providing a structured framework for using TRIZ tools and removes the need to accumulate years of TRIZ experience to know how to coordinate and apply the tools of TRIZ (and other non-TRIZ tools) with proficiency.
In November 2010, the textbook TRIZICS - Teach yourself TRIZ, how to invent, innovate and solve "impossible" technical problems systematically by Gordon Cameron was published. It has received notable reviews ( The methodology has been taught in the United States and is available globally (see References, External Links).
Since its publication in 2010, the book TRIZICS has been the most popular selling book on TRIZ in the English language and as such has been the primary single method of delivery of TRIZ training in English literature from 2010 to the present time (End of 2013).
Maps Trizics
Competitive demands require quicker, more effective and innovative technical problem solving. Creative thinking (Divergent thinking) is a critical skill required by employees, engineers, scientists and inventors, yet typically we receive no training in how to think creatively. We generally rely on our own talents to provide random inspiration or use trial and error (guessing) and Brainstorming. TRIZICS provides a repeatable method for creating new inventive ideas by systematically deriving them rather than relying on inspiration.
TRIZICS is a structured methodology for the directed use of TRIZ creative thinking tools. The TRIZICS methodology directs the user in how to use TRIZ tools to systematically, solve simple or highly complex technical problems and assist in development of new products and processes, guiding technological innovation.
Because TRIZICS includes standard "in-the-box" problem solving methods and the "out-of-the-box" thinking methods of TRIZ, TRIZICS can be applied to any technical problem that requires creative breakthrough thinking, including problems for which root cause needs to be found. Unlike Classical TRIZ, TRIZICS can be used for root cause analysis. Note that TRIZICS is not for calculation or optimization. For example it won't tell you what are the optimal mixture of gases to deposit a thin film during plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, won't tell you the best move in a chess game etc. It is for creating breakthrough concepts or ideas that solve technical problems. Mainly used by engineers, inventors and scientists in technical fields.
The TRIZICS methodology comprises six basic sequential steps:
- Identify the problem (problem definition)
- Select the problem type
- Apply the Analytical tools
- Define the specific problem(s)
- Apply the Solutions tools
- Identify and implement the solutions
Step 1 - Identify the problem (problem definition) The first step in solving any technical problem is to perform standard structured problem solving. To think "inside-the-box" before we think "outside-the-box". TRIZICS uses a systematic structured step by step approach, first try to solve your problem using your existing knowledge, expertise and creativity in a controlled and ordered manner before applying the creative thinking tools of TRIZ.
Step 2 - Select the problem type Not all TRIZ tools can be applied to every type of problem. Users need to decide what type of problem they have and then apply the appropriate tool(s). If the user does not know which tool to select then they will be disappointed with TRIZ.
The four types of problem
Specific Problems are Types 1 and 2 (may be reactive or proactive)
- Type 1: Solve a specific problem when the root cause is unknown.
- Type 2: Solve a specific problem for which the root cause is known.
General Problems are Types 3 and 4 (proactive)
- Type 3: Improve, develop, invent a technical system, or technical process.
- Type 4: Prevent future failures for a technical system or technical process.
Examples of the four problem types: Type 1: Eliminate intermittent leaking of a pipe in a gas supply system (specific, cause unknown). Type 2: Eliminate the fracturing of a glass tube due to thermal expansion when it is heated (specific, cause known). Type 3: Determine how to develop a motor car to gain market advantage. Invent a better floor cleaner. Improve the efficiency, repairability and quality of a preventative maintenance process (general inventive goal to improve a technical system or technical process). Type 4: Eliminate the causes of failure for a metal electroplating process, a radio, roller coaster, a kettle (failure prevention).
Step 3 - Apply The Analytical Tools The appropriate analytical tools to use are identified by problem type.
- Type 1- Use: "The Root Cause Analysis incorporating TRIZ tools Algorithm", Cause-Effect Chain Analysis (similar to Why-Because analysis) and Subversion Analysis
- Type 2 - Use: The Ideal Solution/ System, Cause-Effect Chain Analysis, Functional Modeling/Trimming, Nine Windows, and the DTC Operator
- Type 3- Use: Cause-Effect Chain Analysis, S-curve analysis, Trends of Evolution, the Anti-system and Type 2 tools.
- Type 4- Use: Subversion Analysis, and Cause-Effect Chain Analysis
Step 4 - Define the Specific Problem(s)
After the analysis, a specific problem (or problems) has been identified and needs to be addressed. The solution may be clear. If it can't be solved or the goal is to create a more inventive solution, then apply TRIZ tools. This requires converting the problem to a "model of the problem", contradiction statement or a Su-field statement etc.
Steps 4, 5 and 6 reflect the classical TRIZ process .
A specific problem is defined, it is re-formulated as one or more models of the problem these are: technical contradiction, physical contradiction, Su-field problem, function statement or a search for a Trend of Evolution. This directs us to a model of the solution (the 40 Inventive Principles, Solution of a physical contradiction by separation, satisfaction or bypass, the 76 Inventive Standards, the Trends of Evolution respectively) and we create ideas by analogy.
TRIZICS also directs us to choose ARIZ for difficult contradictions. ARIZ is the Russian acronym of ???????? ??????? ???????????????? ????? (Algorithm of Inventive Problems Solving). It is an algorithm for formulating and solving "difficult" contradictions. Altshuller estimated only around 15% of inventive problems (contradictions) required using ARIZ, the rest could be solved using the classical TRIZ tools. He created his final revision ARIZ-85C in 1985, it is considered by many to be Altshuller's masterpiece. TRIZICS includes the detailed use of ARIZ-85C and directs the user when and when not to apply it. Note that ARIZ is not a "roadmap" for using TRIZ, it is a specific algorithm for solving contradictions, it does not contain or direct the user to use many of the TRIZ tools. TRIZICS is a road-map for using all the main tools of TRIZ, including ARIZ.
Step 5 - Solutions are identified using the TRIZ tools.
Step 6 - Solutions are implemented Innovation is implementation of the new solutions.
Textbook, Reviews, Technical reviews
- TRIZICS - Teach yourself TRIZ, how to invent, innovate and solve "impossible" technical problems systematically
- Notable review "In the Know" - July 2011 (
- "TRIZICS roadmap applied to early-stages of technology research" . Carlos J. Espinoza-González, Carlos A. Ávila-Orta, Guillermo Martínez-Colunga, Darío Bueno-Baqués, Alfonso Maffezzoli, Francesca Lionetto. Presented at 7th Iberoamerican Innovation Congress, Orizaba MX, Nov. 16, 2012. Carlos Espinoza spoke on his subject's doctoral thesis at the research center of chemistry applied in Saltillo, related one the implementation of TRIZICS, which he defined as: a logical framework for understanding and solving a problem during for the early stages of a technological research. In his case study TRIZICS is applied to identify key issues and address improvements and progress in the process of fusion of polymeric materials.
- Samsung Gets Ahead Through its Russian Connection.
External links
- International Journal of Systematic Innovation
- The TRIZ Journal
- TRIZ Japan
- TRIZ Korea
- The European TRIZ Association
Source of the article : Wikipedia